Diminuendo by Katrinka Moore



2022 Pelekinesis

ISBN: 978-1-949790-66-5 | Paperback | Pages: 76 | $16.00

Purchase: Pelekinesis

From the entangled cosmos to our present quickening calamity, the central concern of Diminuendo is the making and unmaking of the world. Intimate with nature, the poems simultaneously celebrate and lament life on earth.

Moore seeks to view the natural world in and of itself, beyond its relationship to humans. This work conceives a realm in which distinctions between animate and inanimate diminish and the boundary between physical and spiritual dissolves.

Praise for Diminuendo

Though Katrinka Moore’s Diminuendo is just as the title presents—a decrease in loudness, particularly from the constant noise of the world around us—this beautiful book of ethereal poems is anything but silent. Instead, there is a delicate singing, a lilt laced with image and metaphor, surprise and delight and, at its core, hope. We are at once “not being but becoming” while also a “crescendo through the wood.” We find “delight in discord” and the “kinship of leaf and feather.” And through Moore’s keen eye and intricate craft—through a simple, beguiling attentiveness few other poets have mastered—we are transformed. Diminuendo is the quiet voice in the chaos. Listen, read: sanctuary is at hand.

                                           – Simmons Buntin
Editor-in-Chief, Terrain.org